In this short guide we will explain which sights will fit your CZ.
You will find out
- what the height of front sight shall be - in case you switch just the front sight,
- for which sights you can replace solely the rear sight without the need of switching also the front sight, or
- which sight sets will fit the specific model.
If you are looking for red dot sights mounting to your CZ pistol, please check this article instead.
We also write in detail how to replace front sights in this article.
Sights selection by CZ model
Model by model, you can find overview of the sights options below.
CZ Shadow 2 sights
For sights replacement for CZ Shadow 2 models you have many options.

CZ 75 TS 2 models sights
For CZ TS 2 models (CZ TS 2, CZ TS 2 Orange, CZ TS 2 Deep Bronze, CZ TS 2 Racing Green & other) we have two types of sight sets:
- fully adjustable sight set with fiber optics in the front sight, and
- fully adjustable sight set with fiber optics in the front sight and in the rear sight.
CZ P-10 sights
As sights replacement we have more types of sights for P-10 models: CZ P-10C, CZ P-10S, CZ P-10F.
Either you can replace solely the front sight:
Or you can get a complete sight set
- fully adjustable sight set - type A and type B or LPA,
- fixed sight set with fiber optics - type A or type B, and
- fixed sight set with grooved sights
If you own optics ready version of CZ P-10, we also have cowitness sights:
CZ P-07 & CZ P-09 sights
If you are looking for sights for CZ P-07 models or CZ P-09 models, you can replace either solely the front sight, or the whole sight set.
The factory front sight you have following options:
Also you can replace the whole sight set, we have following types of sights for CZ P07 and CZ P09:
- fixed sight set with fiber optics,
- adjustable sight sets with fiber optics - type A and type B, or
- adjustable sight set with dots.
CZ 75 SP-01 models sights
For CZ 75 SP-01 models you can go either for front sight replacement, or whole sight set replacement.
*please note exception to CZ SP01 models is SP-01 Shadow, which uses different dovetail cut for the rear sight - sights for SP01 Shadow are listed separately*
Front sights replacement for CZ SP01 models:
And for complete sight set replacement you can go for following sights:
- fixed sight set with fiber optics - type A or type B
- fully adjustable sight set with fiber optics - type A, type B or type LPA
CZ 75 SP-01 Shadow sights
If you are looking for sights for CZ 75 SP-01 Shadow, we have following types of sight sets available:
- fully adjustable sight set with fiber optic front sight
- fully adjustable sight set with fiber optics in front sight and rear sight,
CZ 75 models sights
For CZ 75 models you can go either for front sight replacement, or whole sight set replacement.
Front sights replacement for CZ 75B models:
And for complete sight set replacement you can go for following sights:
- fixed sight set with fiber optics - type A or type B
- fully adjustable sight set with fiber optics - type A, type B or type LPA
CZ P-01, CZ 75 Compact sights
For CZ P01 and CZ 75 Compact models you can go either for front sight replacement, or whole sight set replacement.
Front sights replacement for CZ P01 & Compact models:
For complete sight set replacement you can go for following sights:
- fixed sight set with fiber optics - type A or type B
- fully adjustable sight set with fiber optics - type A, type B or type LPA
Regardless of specifics of each CZ model, there are some general rules that you may find useful when choosing sights.
Sights selection
- the bigger the dimension of the fiber optic, the better the visibility - the dot of 1.5mm fiber optic shines much more than the dot of 1.0mm fiber optic - for anyone with issues with eyes, we highly recommend to go for 1.5mm fiber optic in the front sight
- if you are using non-fiber optic rear sight, it is up to your decision whether you use 1.0mm or 1.5mm fiber optic front sight
- if you are using rear sight with fiber optic, we highly recommend to use the thicker fiber optic for the front sight than is the thickness of fiber optic in the rear sight. The further the dot of fiber optic from your eyes, the smaller → since the front sight is further from your eyes than rear sight, the dots seem to be similar size in the rear sight as in the front sight from the distance of your eyes. Contrarily, if you choose 1.0mm fiber optic in the front sight together with 1.0mm fiber optic in the rear sight, the front sight dot will look smaller and would make the aiming process more difficult for you.