By model CZ Scorpion Stocks for CZ Scorpion (4 )
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Stocks for CZ Scorpion

Stocks for CZ Scorpion models: both CZ Scorpion Evo and CZ Scorpion Evo 3 plus.
You can find here all types of CZ Scorpion stocks: original folding stock from CZ both in black and FDE, and also aftermarket adapter for stock tube AR-15 type. 
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CZ Scorpion Evo / 3+ folding stock

CZ Scorpion Evo / 3+ folding stock

Manuf.: CZ

Expedition: In stock
Discount: 16,0 %

Price: 210 $

Original CZ folding stock for CZ Scorpion Evo models and CZ Scorpion 3+ models. Original CZ stock in black color.
CZ Scorpion Evo / 3+ folding stock FDE | magnetic

CZ Scorpion Evo / 3+ folding stock FDE | magnetic

Manuf.: CZ

Expedition: In stock
Discount: 8,0 %

Price: 230 $

Original CZ folding stock for CZ Scorpion Evo models and CZ Scorpion 3+ models. Foldable and collapsible. Polymer stock with duralumin joint. Total length 27,5cm. Original CZ stock in FDE color.
CZ Scorpion Evo 3 / 3+ stock adapter | type AR-15

CZ Scorpion Evo 3 / 3+ stock adapter | type AR-15

Manuf.: Ascalon Arms

Expedition: In stock

Price: 105 $

Adapter for installation of AR-15 type stocks for CZ Scorpion EVO 3 and 3+ models.
CZ Scorpion Evo / 3+ folding stock | magnetic

CZ Scorpion Evo / 3+ folding stock | magnetic

Manuf.: CZ

Expedition: In stock
Discount: 9,1 %

Price: 250 $

Original CZ folding stock for CZ Scorpion Evo models and CZ Scorpion 3+ models. Original CZ stock in black color.

You have quite a few options to choose between when choosing which stock to put on your CZ Scorpion Evo.

And the good news is also that you can use the same stock on all the CZ Scorpion Evo 3 and Evo 3+ models: they are all compatible.

Folding stock

The advantage of folding stock is quite obvious: it gives you the option to keep your Scorpion more compact, easy to carry and store. Also it gives you better manipulation in tight spaces.

However for the most of the shooting, you will use it unfolded for the shoulder support that it offers.

Folding stock is also not only foldable, but also collapsible, although the collapsibility is limited.  

Stock with magnetic mechanism or without?

To make sure your Scorpion folding stock remains folded, you need to get a stock with magnet [we have such in black and in FDE variants]. 

If you plan to use the folding stock folded only for transportation or storage, the magnetic mechanism may not be usefull for you at all, but if you need the gun to function with stock folded, you will want to get the magnetic one.

Collapsible stock with an adapter

You can also get a stock adapter that allows you to use collapsible stock tube [usually with 6 positions in which you can lock the stock butt] and also gives you the optionality to choose buttstock that suits you the best, or that you already got used to from another rifle. 

The negative of collapsible stock is that you cannot have the stock folded, and thus the Scorpion takes more space for storage as well as for carry. 

How to install a stock

Installation of Scorpion Evo 3 / 3+ stock is very easy and you can do it by yourself. You can find here the detailed installation guide, or you can watch the installation vide guide below.

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